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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Limiting Wedding Gab

Today a couple of my girlfriends and I got together and did something between scrapbooking and organizing with my old wedding magazines.

Those that are older than 5 months (except for about 5 which I cannot bear to tear up) had all the articles and tips and hints torn out of them. The rest of the magazine (all the old ads and pictures of dresses) were tossed.

We had fun reading some of the articles aloud as we slipped them into clear sheet protectors and organized them into categories like "reception" "food" "cake" "flowers" "etiquette" "wedding party attire" "music" "pre and post wedding tips" etc.

Of course, we ran out of sheet protectors half way through. It was a lot of fun going through the different ideas and talking about our own weddings. :) Somedays you just need to relax with the girls and dream!

I read one article about not talking too much about your ceremony with others so that you really "wow" your guests. Another article I read talked about picking one day a week where you promise to not say anything about the wedding and focus on other things in life.

I would use a little bit of both of those. I would definitely set aside the trusted few that you talk, dream, and vent to. You don't want to talk to the town gossip about your wedding and then have everyone expecting something bigger and better when you walk down the aisle or they arrive at the reception site.

For your trusted few...I would definitely set aside times to hang out where the wedding is NOT the topic of conversation...after all, you did have a life before the planning began! :) Surely you can find something to talk about...avoid the weather and your is a good beginning.